
The Abuja MOU Organisation Structure

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Ministerial Conference

The Ministerial Conference of Abuja MoU is constituted by all Ministers in charge of maritime transport whose maritime administrations are full members of Abuja MoU and is the highest decision-making body of the AMoU.

The Bureau

The Bureau consists of Ministers in charge of Maritime Transport from five (5) full Member States of Abuja MoU. The Bureau provide general direction to the Committee on matters relating to the effective implementation of the MoU and approves the recommendations of the Committee.

The Committee

The Abuja MoU Committee is constituted of Representatives of each of the Maritime Authorities/Administrations who are party to the Memorandum. The function of the Committee is to oversee the general implementation of the MoU and shall carry out specific tasks assigned to it under the Memorandum.

Intersessional Management Working Group

The Intersessional Management Working Group (AMoU ISMWG) was established to assist the Committee in focusing on key issues and to direct the AMoU Secretariat in-between Committee meetings. The ISMWG shall meet at least two times a year and at such other times as the chairman of the ISMWG may deem necessary.